With the launch of the new season 5 episode "The Crown", the intricate love triangle of Charles, Princess and Camilla is back in the public eye. But columnist Petronella Wyatt said it wasn't Camilla who intervened in Charles' marriage to blame, but her glamorous ex-husband, Andrew Parker-Bowles.
Weiyatt pointed out in an article published in the Daily Mail on the 4th that she first met Camilla and his wife in the 1980s, when she was only 15 years old. Her late father, Lord Wyatt, who was president of the Horserace Totalisator board, sat in a private box with her parents that day. Later, Bowers, who love horse racing, and Camilla, who love horses, also arrived, when they had been married for more than 10 years, and it was said that their honeymoon period had ended, and they would go their separate ways from time to time.
However, both Camilla and his wife are popular, and any gossip about them will not be vilified by malice. As soon as Bowers appeared, most women's eyes were focused on him. Petronella said Bowers was an outstanding officer and that in her father's words he was a "top sex hunter." He is full of exotic beast-like sexual charm, exuding a vitality rare in a high-class English gentleman, and even Princess Anne cannot escape his charm.
当时所有的女性想嫁的,都是身材高大又英俊的鲍尔斯,而不是查尔斯。一位前任女友说,他就像毒品般,根本无法戒掉。同样的,卡蜜拉也为不牢靠的他深深着迷。不过,鲍尔斯乐在花丛中,根本不想定下来。然而,当他得知,身为王储的查尔斯竟然对身边的女友卡蜜拉感兴趣时,终于速速向卡蜜拉求婚。一位朋友透露,当时卡蜜拉受宠若惊,眼里闪耀着爱的光芒,简直兴奋地得意忘形。至于查尔斯则落寞不已,但王室,尤其是伊莉莎白王太后(Queen Mother)坚持,他该娶个处女。
卡蜜拉1973 年 7 月嫁了鲍尔斯后,一心只想为深爱的老公照顾子女,并没打算要和查尔斯再续前缘。
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